28LB Cat is Larger than a Bobcat!

Samson the Mighty Cat

I’ve seen some big cats in my day.  But, Samson, at 28 pounds, takes the cake as the biggest cat I’ve ever seen.  This New York City kitty is a sight to behold.


Samson grew from small Maine Coon kitten to over 4 feet in length.  That’s larger than some mountain cats that you’d see in the Montana wilderness.  He’s even gotten the well-deserved handle as the “largest cat in New York City.”

According to Jonathan Zurbel, Samson’s dedicated owner, Samson is sweet and tough cat.  Jonathan doesn’t think Samson’s necessarily overweight but, rather, extremely strong and husky.   Samson even acts like a dog on occasion by following, by patiently waiting by his bedroom door in the morning and then jumping on his bed to sit on Jonathan’s belly.

For Jonathan, Samson’s a great cat and best friend.  Heck, he doesn’t need to go to the gym anymore since he can lift Samson to get his weight training in.

Take a look at some of the photos that Jonathan shared on his Samson Instagram page.    What a huge cat, wow!!!

Samson the Mighty Cat Please share with your friends and family.