Adults Test Kids by Dropping Their Wallets – The Response Will Make You Smile

Kids instinctively know right from wrong even if they can’t express themselves.  This was proven in a hidden-video experiment in Japan.


The Japanese Red Cross wanted to show that children will act in a “right” way even if not prompted or in an awkward situation.

What the Japanese Red Cross did was place young children in proximity to adult actors waiting for public transportation.  The adults would accidently drop their wallet or purse and pretend not to notice.  Then the camera would record what the children did including their facial expressions, movement, and timidness (or boldness in the case of some of the children). 

What was common is that the children immediately understood what happened.  However, being young (and oh so cute and shy), the children reluctantly tried to get the adults’ attention.  The bold ones picked up the dropped wallet while most of the children made a little noise or tugged on the adults’ clothes. 

Source: YouTube & Upworthy

It was a bold experiment that will make you feel very good about our future and proud of the next generation.

Way to go kids!!!

Go to the next page to see the kids in action.