Dad Fools Family with Dangerous Photoshop Photos of 18-Month-Old Daughter

Toddler Driving

Stephen Crowley is a dad with a big heart and great sense of humor.  Sometimes, he’ll combine these traits into some devious (yet fun) activities.  Case in point is what he did with Photoshop to have some fun with his family.


For the record, Stephen is a graphic designer in Dublin (Ireland) so he certainly has the skills to pull off his caper.  His daughter, Hannah, now 18 months, is a sweet little girl that’s had to cope with some difficulties in her short life.

Hannah was born with HLH, a very rare immune disorder, and had to spend several months in the hospital receiving chemotherapy.  Eventually, she had to find a donor for a bone marrow transplant.

[Side note:  out of 27 million donors worldwide only three were a match for Hannah.  As such, Stephen’s trying to promote Be the March as a way to connect donors with people in need for bone marrow transplants.]

Thankfully, Hannah’s been steadily improving since the transplant and continues to get better. Stephen has been thrilled with her progress and counts his blessings every day.

Back to story, Stephen, as you’ll see in the pictures below, decided to have a little fun with his family and photoshop Hannah into some mildly dangerous and realistic situations.  They show Hannah driving, playing with knives, holding onto the stair railing, and getting thrown high in the air. You’ll do a double take if you look at the pictures fast.  Just know, that Stephen’s a loving dad and it’s all in fun.

Great job Stephen!!! You had me fooled!

Share these with your friends & family and maybe they’ll try to pull something similar!

Climbing Attic StairsImage: Stephen Crowley

Hannah DrivingImage: Stephen Crowley

Hanging on Railing

Knife PlayImage: Stephen Crowley