Awesome Gender Reveal Gotcha– Rainbow Color Confusion

Gender Reveal Surprise

Gender reveal parties are so fun especially when it’s a complete surprise all the way around.   That’s exactly what happened to Chris and Tracy Maschke.


Like many couples after a couple of years of happy marriage living Chris and Tracy decided to expand their family and were blessed to get pregnant.  As you’ll see on the video that’s when things got interesting.

Their close friends and family gathered for a celebration where Chris and Tracy were going to pop a giant black balloon to reveal their baby’s gender.

What through them (and most of the partygoers) for a loop was that what came out of the balloon wasn’t blue or pink confetti, but, rather a rainbow assortment of colors.  Chris and Tracy didn’t understand what was happening and thought (like most everyone else) that this meant that they were having twins.

However, the joke was on them.

After much confusion and laughter their family brought out another black balloon.  Too Chris’ and Tracy’s great delight this balloon spewed blue confetti and they were estatic at the news of having a boy.

What a great surprise and an awesome way to jazz up a gender reveal party!  They’ll be smiling about this for years.

Gender Reveal Surprise

Go to the next page to see their awesome Gender Reveal Gotcha.