Inspiring 5 Year Old Girl Rocks Van Halen

5 Year Old Drummer Girl

At age five most girls are learning their ABCs and getting ready for Kindergarten.  If they are interested in playing the piano, drums, or guitar this is time when young girls typically start playing (not give full blown recital to a packed audience).


Eduarda Henklein Baterista is the exception.  As you watch her play the drums it’s hard to believe how good she’s become at such a young age.  Rocking out to Van Halen is no small feat.

What’s great is that she doesn’t even seem nervous.  More to the point, Eduarda seems to be enjoying the spotlight and even with her small frame she’s able to reach all of the base pedals and hit the drums in rhythm and on time.

It’s really cute watching her concentrate with her tongue curled up as she jams out (not to mention awe inspiring when thinking that Eduarda’s just a young girl about to enter Kindergarten).

Kudos to mom and dad for putting up with all of the practice time to help Eduarda get to this level.  She’s certainly done more at this stage than 99% of girls her age and has a bright future ahead of her.

I hope you enjoy watching five year old Eduardo rock out to Van Halen’s Jump and please share it with your family and friends.