Fried Potato Balls — So Easy, So Yummy

Fried Potato Balls

If you’re looking for an easy potato recipe with a twist this is it.  Fried Potato Balls are super easy to make and quite delicious.


The short video walks you through everything step by step but you probably won’t even need to watch it twice.  If you can boil a potato, mash it up, make balls out of the mashed parts, and fry what you’ve made then this recipe’s for you.  It’s that easy.

So, here are the steps to making great tasting Fried Potato Balls:

1.       Boil the Potatoes until soft (you’ll need about 4-6 potatoes to feed a family of 4)

2.       Drain the water and let the potatoes cool

3.       Mash the Potatoes (peeling first) and add some butter, 2 egg yokes, and salt/pepper

4.       Cover and place the mashed potatoes into the Refrigerator for approximately 2 hours to significantly cool

5.       Form Balls with the mashed potatoes

6.       Cover with flour, roll in a bowl of beaten eggs, add breadcrumbs

7.       Fry until golden brown and place on a plate with a paper towel

8.       Enjoy the tasty treat

I hope you as much fun making these as you will eating them!