Husband Surprises Pregnant Wife with a New House & Her Reaction is Priceless!

Pregnant Wife Surprised with New House

Al Brioso gets the husband of the year award for surprising his wife with a new house.


In 2013, the Briosos (Al and Lisa Marie) were basically newlyweds starting their lives together.  They had a baby girl on the way and were doing one of the things that young, growing families do.  Namely, house hunting for a home that could accommodate their expanding family.

Looking for a new house is stressful and tiring enough.  Now, add in the fact that Lisa Marie was pregnant and you can start to understand how hard and difficult the process was for the young couple.

As you will see in this heartfelt video, Lisa Marie absolutely loves this house. Apparently, they repeatedly visited this house and it was by far  the favorite of Lisa Marie.  She longingly starts walking around the nice yard and stops to gaze into one of the windows.

Al, as sneaky as fox, had everything set up to surprise Lisa Marie.  He bought the house shortly before taking her over again (he even had the signed papers in his truck), decorated the inside of the house with their Christmas tree and put his hand-drawn sketches throughout the house.

Lisa Marie still was not understanding that Al had bought this house for her/them until he dangled the keys in front of her.

Her reaction is priceless!

What a great gesture of love!  Please share this heartwarming video with your friends!

Pregnant Wife Surprised with New House

Go to the next page to see the heartwarming video.