Dog Drinks Coca Cola Every Day for a Year! See What Happens to Her …

Dog Drinks Coke Everyday for 1 Year

Have you seen the documentaries of what drinking Coca Cola does to our bodies?  Needless to say, it’s not good.  From obesity to rotten teeth, drinking lots of Coke is not healthy.


Now, meet Lady, a 20 year old Jack Russell, who drank Coca Cola every day for a year (it was only a sip though – not a full 12 ounce can).  She’s had to get 12 of her 16 teeth removed.  Besides that, Lady’s fine (surprisingly).

It started innocently enough.  Kate Snook, Lady’s 46 year old owner, would have a glass of coke each night to relax and set it down beside her bed.  Lady snuck over and had a sip.  Like most kids, Lady loved the sugary taste and decided to make taking a sip her nightly routine.

Of course, it took a toll on Lady.  Beside being “hyper like a little child” as Kate put it Lady began feeling pain in her mouth.  This led to a major operation where Lady had 12 of her 19 teeth remaining.

Kate has since stopped Lady’s Coca Cola addiction and it’s been over 3 years since Lady’s last swig of the sugary drink.

According to Kate, since the surgery Lady’s back to her normal self (albeit it with a touch of dementia from her old age) and a “little gummy.”

Here’s to a long life for Lady!!

Dog Drinks Coke Everyday for 1 Year