Fearless 14 Yr Old Boy Saves Cat Hanging Over Major Highway Overpass

Sometimes instinct takes over in all of us.  That’s what happened when 14 yr old Gavin Orlowski saw a cat being thrown out of a moving truck onto a highway overpass in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


Erin Brown, Gavin’s mother, was taking Gavin to a birthday party when they witnessed a cat being flung from a van in front of them on I-196.  This is a major highway with lots of traffic.  As she stopped to investigate her son jetted out of their car to find and rescue the cat.

Gavin, acting on instinct, motioned for oncoming traffic to stop as he sprinted toward the traumatized cat that was about the jump off of the overpass bridge.  He scooped up the cat and tried his best to comfort the scared kitty by cuddling and gingerly petting it.  They instantly bonded.


The cat, whom they called Lucky, had its claws torn off from the hard payment and was in a great deal of shock and pain.  Erin and Gavin rushed Lucky to a nearby animal hospital to get him treated.

A good Samaritan learned of Lucky’s plight via Facebook and offered to cover most of the medical bills.   Gavin even kicked in the $63 he had saved to help Lucky.

Lucky’s now totally recovered and happy in his new home with his best friend and rescuer.

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