Huge Traffic Jam in China … 40 Lanes of Traffic Backed Up

Most of us have been stuck in horrible traffic jams for hours and hours especially if you live in a major city.  Compared to the traffic jam in China that would be a walk in the park.


As you’ll see in the incredible footage traffic virtually stopped heading into Beijing.  There were so many cars and trucks trying go from over 40 lanes (yes, 40 lanes of traffic) to less than 20 that traffic couldn’t move.  On top of that, there was no organized way for cars to merge into the new lanes.

In some parts of the United States 5 to 10 lanes of traffic going one way is about as large as the roadway will ever get.  However, China (due to its huge population being 10 times the size of the United States) needs the larger roads due to the amount of traffic volume and number of cars and trucks.

However, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that traffic’s going to get backed up if you are cutting the capacity in half (and in a very disorganized, free-for-all way) and you have thousands and thousands of cars on the road.

I hope you never get stuck in this mess and please share with your friends and family.

Happy motoring!!!