Wavepool lifeguards have a tougher job then you might think. They have to constantly stay on guard in the face of huge crowds, moving water, trouble-making teenagers, small children playing, and a sun beating down upon them all day.
Given the tough conditions, it’s even more impressive what this wavepool lifeguard did.
As you’ll see in the video, the wavepool was exceptionally crowded this day: lots of people, waves rolling through the pool, and many, many distractions. In addition, it looked like she was the only lifeguard monitoring one side of the pool (they’re other lifeguards on the opposite side of the pool but they don’t seem to be nearly as attentive).
Like you’d expect (and hope), the lifeguard looked very attuned to what’s going on. She kept a constant lookout over the pool and seemed very much in control.
Suddenly, she blew her whistle and sprung into the pool. Unbeknownst to people swimming even five feet from this child (heck, I didn’t even notice it the first time that I saw the video), a young child had fallen off of his floating device and was sinking into the water.
The lifeguard calmly lifted the boy up and carried him to safety without making a spectacle of the boy or herself. She was just doing her job (and doing it very well).
Kudos to this great lifeguard! I hope she gets a raise!
Go to the next page to see the Lifeguard save the boy.