Woman Keeps Bengal Tigers as Pets in Her Garden

Woman Keeps Bengal Tigers as Pets

Pets are normally relatively small in relation to a normal-sized person:  cats, dogs, fish, etc.  A 600 pound Bengal Tiger would certainly be an exception especially when it lives at home instead of the zoo.


Many people would think that this is a bad idea as Tigers are known for aggressive behavior, not to mention that they’re each over 400 pounds. Not Janice Haley.

Janice Haley and her husband, both Florida residents, have raised two Bengal Tigers in her backyard since 1995 when they were cubs.  The Bengal Tigers, weighing 400 and 600 pounds, are like family to the Haleys.  Janice believes the Tigers regard her as “the mom” and would never hurt her. 

As you’ll see on the video, Janice nor any of the other people interacting with the Tigers seem afraid of them.  In fact, they let the Tigers drag them around their pin, chew on their arm, bite at them, and even wrap themselves with the Tigers’ paws all over them.  They even hand feed them three times per day.

As Janice explains on the video, she truly cares for the Tigers and wouldn’t change a thing, even the daily 12 hours that it takes to care for the Tigers.

It certainly takes a special person to raise Tigers instead of dogs or cats.